Mastering the Mental Game of Entrepreneurship [3 BIG tips]

Mastering the Mental Game of Entrepreneurship [3 BIG tips]

Today I have 3 BIG tips for you on how to master your mental game… Coming at this from the perspective of entrepreneurship. Your capacity to succeed as an entrepreneur — whether you’re a freelancer/solopreneur or building something bigger — is pretty directly related...
The Law of Definite Commitment [You Attract Success!]

The Law of Definite Commitment [You Attract Success!]

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Do you recognize this quote? During meditation this morning, it came to me, and I ended up looking it up. The quote is usually tagged as from Goethe. Today,...
5 Cash Flow Secrets for Digital Marketers

5 Cash Flow Secrets for Digital Marketers

Healthy cash flow is a healthy business… And when you can make money show up on demand… And when you can make money show up consistently… And when you can make NEW money show up… You practically have the keys to the marketing and entrepreneurship kingdom. Today’s...
Is Content Marketing supposed to be FUN?!

Is Content Marketing supposed to be FUN?!

If you have the wrong expectation for your work — content marketing or anything else — it could be a huge drag on your success… Today’s Mailbox Monday question, on its surface, is about content marketing. Specifically, how to get started in content marketing. And so...
Selling to business owners… Entrepreneurs are LAZY!

Selling to business owners… Entrepreneurs are LAZY!

If you want to sell to business owners and entrepreneurs, you NEED to understand how they think and feel… And if you think it’s just “driven, driven, driven…  hustle, hustle, hustle…” Well… That’s ONE part of their personalities… But that’s not all of it… And...
Dump your SWIPE FILE in the Trash! [copywriting]

Dump your SWIPE FILE in the Trash! [copywriting]

I’ve never met a GREAT copywriter who uses a swipe file… At least, not the way you see them taught so often. As in, copy-paste-edit. Sure, some may SELL YOU a swipe file on the promise that you can write great copy that way — even as they themselves don’t follow this...
Marketers who DO THIS make more money

Marketers who DO THIS make more money

If you want to make more money as a copywriter, marketer, or entrepreneur… What’s the ONE THING you can do to reliably get you there? — What action can you take? — What habit can you practice? — What behavior can you repeat? I’m going to be all TEASE here — and make...
Paid Traffic Strategy: The Funnel Traffic Map

Paid Traffic Strategy: The Funnel Traffic Map

Here’s a really cool tool to help with your paid traffic strategy… It’s a high-level way to visualize your best paid-traffic strategy — along with specific tips, relative to how to use the tool. It’s based on a conversation I had with Perry Marshall. We were talking...
3 Ways to Impress a New Potential Client

3 Ways to Impress a New Potential Client

There’s a right way and wrong way to impress new and potential clients… And, in fact, the way most people think about getting clients to like you is wrong. It doesn’t lead to them liking you as a peer, or respecting you as an expert and authority. Rather, if you...
How to Generate Sales Leads [SIMPLE Lead Generation]

How to Generate Sales Leads [SIMPLE Lead Generation]

Lead generation doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, if you want to generate sales leads for your business or clients, it’s best to KEEP IT SIMPLE. It’s easy to over-complicate things. It’s easy to think more is better. But today, I want to dispel that myth. If you’re...