[Top 5 of 2021] And my #1 most-watched video of 2021 was…

[Top 5 of 2021] And my #1 most-watched video of 2021 was…

Drum roll, please! Here it comes… My #1 most-watched video of 2021… … And one of the MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS in all of marketing and advertising… If you want to be able to scale your business and offers, going to bigger and bigger audiences… This lesson is exactly how...
[Top 5 of 2021] 7 Dimensions of an Irresistible Offer

[Top 5 of 2021] 7 Dimensions of an Irresistible Offer

This video is a relentless barrage of value… I just watched it again, in preparation for writing this… And honestly, just these 20 minutes and 03 seconds alone could make you massively better at creating offers that make your audience just want to throw money at you....
[Top 5 of 2021] Message-Market Match: The Golden Key

[Top 5 of 2021] Message-Market Match: The Golden Key

This is one of my favorite videos I’ve ever recorded… If it was in a movie scene… Where they had to show me coming up with this idea… It would involve those special effects where things are swirling in the air around me — as I connect the dots and have a big aha...
[Top 5 of 2021] Learn Email Copywriting

[Top 5 of 2021] Learn Email Copywriting

Here’s a simple exercise to learn email copywriting… It’s something I recommend all the time. In just 6 minutes and 40 seconds, it demystifies the crazy art of email marketing down into what you can do right now to write a solid marketing email. And it WILL make you a...
[Top 5 of 2021] Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins

[Top 5 of 2021] Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins

This week I’m doing something different with Breakthrough Marketing Secrets… I dug into my analytics… And picked out the 5 most-viewed videos in 2021. These are among the most popular videos on my YouTube channel, and for good reason. They teach powerful and popular...
Love, Not Fear [contribution and entrepreneurship]

Love, Not Fear [contribution and entrepreneurship]

I don’t often talk directly about my spirituality… Some marketers wear it on their sleeve. Mine is more private and personal. When I teach it, I aim to teach indirectly by example, not directly by prescription. But today, on Christmas Eve, I wanted to speak directly...
“Success wants me!” [say this to yourself every day]

“Success wants me!” [say this to yourself every day]

Yes, you want success — but did you know success wants you, too? A few months back, I was in a little funk. I’d been working through some negative feelings, and started to realize they were taking over my life. So I made a conscious decision. I decided to shift my...
Why I’m not afraid of AI copywriters [demo]

Why I’m not afraid of AI copywriters [demo]

Should you be afraid of AI algorithms taking your copywriting job? There’s been a ton of HYPE recently about AI copywriting tools. Even to the point where I paid for one earlier this year, to test-drive it. YES, I’m totally fascinated by and interested in Artificial...
Self-publish a book, make millions (with Chandler Bolt)

Self-publish a book, make millions (with Chandler Bolt)

Can you make millions of dollars with a self-published book? Chandler Bolt is the founder of Self-Publishing School.  He’s the author of the definitive book on becoming a self-published book author.  And he can teach you how to make money as a self-published author....
All winners share THIS mindset [calculated risk]

All winners share THIS mindset [calculated risk]

I spent 4+ years NOT launching my copywriting career until this one thing happened — and in 3 months and 3 days I was full-time freelance with a booked schedule… What made the difference? What change took place? It was a mindset shift that I’ve since learned is true...
Beyond Freelance Copywriting [it’s time to think bigger]

Beyond Freelance Copywriting [it’s time to think bigger]

It was probably an incredibly dumb thing to say in the job interview… Here they were, deciding if they were going to hire me. And I told them I planned to quit the job before long — to become a freelance copywriter. How do you think that worked out for me? I’ll leave...
Famous swipe file sales letter DEBUNKED!

Famous swipe file sales letter DEBUNKED!

  Are you familiar with Martin Conroy’s famous Wall Street Journal sales letter about the two young men? Legend is, it generated over $1 billion in subscription revenue for the Wall Street Journal — and actually probably generated over $2 billion in total… And...
3 steps to build your email list [email marketing]

3 steps to build your email list [email marketing]

Building your email list is one of the single-most powerful ways to grow your business… If you have thousands or tens of thousands (or a lot more) people… Who WANT to hear from you… Who WANT to read your emails… Who are open to whatever offers you wish to make… You...