How to get income fast as a copywriter…

How to get income fast as a copywriter…

It’s Mailbox Monday! Every week I like to start the week off right to make sure I’m calibrated to your interests, your needs, your challenges, and the solutions YOU are looking for. That’s why every Monday, I open up the ol’ mailbox and answer one reader’s question,...
Fist-fight in the ClickFunnels Facebook group…

Fist-fight in the ClickFunnels Facebook group…

Why do I start fights on Facebook? They really never go anywhere good.  And even though I’m always right (right?), I don’t always sway the person I’m fighting with over to my side. In fact…  Fights on Facebook almost always end with both parties even more entrenched...
When all else fails, WIIFM…  “What’s in it for me?”

When all else fails, WIIFM… “What’s in it for me?”

Want to be persuasive?  Stop making it about you. I was doing someone a personal favor recently.  I was reviewing the cover letter for a job application.  Now, this isn’t a service I offer, but it’s something I’ve done for family and very close friends. I’ve been...
Proven funnel blueprint for selling your services

Proven funnel blueprint for selling your services

Can I hand you a big, fat six-figure check on a silver platter? I kid, a little bit.  But the point is relevant.  And perhaps, accurate.  If you’re one of the few who takes my essays beyond the intellectual entertainment, and into implementation. Because what I’m...
Getting clients to trust you, while breaking down barriers

Getting clients to trust you, while breaking down barriers

It’s Mailbox Monday! As usual, every Monday I open up the ol’ Mailbox and see what kind of pressing questions you have for me. To have YOUR question about marketing, selling, business-building, copywriting, or life answered here…  Just shoot it to me by email at...
Video: The Most Valuable Customer Parable

Video: The Most Valuable Customer Parable

It’s Video Friday! This is about The Most Valuable Customer Strategy.  It’s about how to dominate a market.  And it points to a process you can use to uncover hidden profit opportunities in any business — and multiply sales and profits by 3X to 11X. The first chunk of...
The danger of creativity when you’re trying to sell

The danger of creativity when you’re trying to sell

One of the most dangerous things you can do when selling is to get too creative… I still remember, in the middle of selling seats to The Titans of Direct Response, when there was a battle going on inside The Warrior Forum about whether or not I’d written a good sales...
Stunningly easy way to fast cash flow…

Stunningly easy way to fast cash flow…

I like shortcuts, and easy opportunities to score big wins… If you do, too, I think you’ll like this. A couple years back, I was talking to Travis Lee, of 3D Mail Results.  Travis’s company specializes in a unique kind of direct mail — unique, but it will be familiar...
Selling secret hidden in Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out…

Selling secret hidden in Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out…

Sometimes you recognize the most powerful selling secrets in very unexpected places… Of course, when you’re talking Pixar and Disney, it shouldn’t be all that unexpected.  They have an almost-flawless record of knocking storytelling out of the park.  And really...
What you need to sell most: your Unique Ability…

What you need to sell most: your Unique Ability…

It’s Monday!  That means it’s time to dig into the ol’ mailbox and see what the question of the day is today… Reminder: You can have YOUR most pressing marketing, business, copywriting, selling, or even meaning-of-life question answered here, in a weekly Mailbox...

Be vulnerable…

Have you ever thought that vulnerability can help you get ahead? Much of our culture is about the impenetrable hero.  The person who has strength and no vulnerability. But have we set up an impossible standard for ourself?  Are we holding ourselves to a unachievable...
3 powerful lead generation “bribes”

3 powerful lead generation “bribes”

Today, I’m going to give you not one, but three powerful tools… And, it’s more urgent than ever that you figure out how to use them — in your business, or in your clients’. Why? Because the “free information” bribe is dying. That is, the appeal of a “free report,”...
This one thing can change the entire course of your life…

This one thing can change the entire course of your life…

I’ve just made a bold promise. But 315 days ago, today, I started a simple experiment. And every day since then, I’ve only become more convinced of the power of this one little lesson. First, a side story… I was hanging out at the neighborhood pool this morning with...
The A-List Copywriter’s Secret Weapon: Selling Alchemy

The A-List Copywriter’s Secret Weapon: Selling Alchemy

Today, I’m going to share with you one of the greatest secrets of A-list copywriters, in many of the most competitive industries on the planet… I’m going to introduce you to a concept we’ll call Selling Alchemy.  In fact, I’m going to pull back the curtain, and...