Client-centered sales and marketing

Client-centered sales and marketing

So much of what makes a great salesperson is their perspective… And this applies when you’re selling one-to-one, as a salesperson, as well as one-to-many as a marketer or advertiser. You really have two places you can focus. — You can focus internally, on yourself. —...
Copywriting: If you don’t feel it, kill it…

Copywriting: If you don’t feel it, kill it…

Today, let’s talk about the pain of creativity-for-hire… And then what to do when your writing turns into a hard slog. Our starting point… Copywriting is HARD. Anybody that’s telling you that it isn’t is trying to sell you a magic pill.  And magic pills may be pills,...
Can you be FUNNY and still sell?

Can you be FUNNY and still sell?

Knock, knock… Who’s there? A salesman… GO AWAY! Have you ever tried to be funny as part of a sales message? How did it work for you? Or maybe you’ve heard you’re not supposed to use humor in copy…  And so you’ve stifled every one-liner, pun, or humorous quip that’s...

The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib [One Big Idea]

I didn’t want to review this book — and at first I hated it… And yet, The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib has nearly 1,000 reviews on Amazon — and the average is 4.8 stars! Was it something wrong with ME? Was it something wrong with THE BOOK? And is there still...
What do you say when you talk to yourself?

What do you say when you talk to yourself?

You are ALWAYS telling yourself stories… Have you ever used the phrase “hard-earned money”? If so, what were you actually saying about money?  That it is hard to earn?  That it’s hard to come by?  How do you think that belief manifests itself in your life? And yet, as...
In defense of branding…

In defense of branding…

Do I contradict myself?  Very well then I contradict myself; (I am large, I contain multitudes.) — From Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself Yesterday, I railed on brand marketing as full of, and I quote, “Buzzwords and Bulls***.” Today, I’ll do the branding folks a favor...
Buzzwords and Bulls***

Buzzwords and Bulls***

“Now what I’m going to say may sound indelicate…” — Alexander Hamilton, from the song Non-Stop, in the Hamilton musical …  So… How do I put this in a way that: — Is useful to you, and… — Doesn’t totally offend the roomful of people I just had lunch with? I’ll try… The...
Selling the TRUTH (versus “magic pill” promises)

Selling the TRUTH (versus “magic pill” promises)

People are lazy, impatient, entitled, gross, selfish jerks… …  At least, many of the world’s best copywriters will tell you that.  And, they’re not making it up. In fact, this conclusion is based on a very interesting form of science that most academic research done...
You have mental superpowers (here’s how to use them)

You have mental superpowers (here’s how to use them)

I’m in the process of reprogramming my mind… And in my own personal story and reflections, I believe I can show you where YOU can develop your own personal mental superpowers. Here’s the story… Somewhere along the way, I let myself slip. Somewhere along the way, I let...
How to structure an evergreen webinar funnel…

How to structure an evergreen webinar funnel…

This will be an eminently practical, tactical article… Long-time readers will know that I like to focus on Principles and Strategies (see The Architecture of A-List Copywriting Skills). But sometimes, for some reasons, I’m inspired to deliver highly-actionable content...
What every marketer should know about cart value…

What every marketer should know about cart value…

This is the kind of thing you can’t afford to NOT know… If you’re a copywriter or online marketer today…  Especially in competitive markets…  Especially if you’re putting out marketing through paid traffic sources… You really, really, really need to know about cart...
The easiest way to get website traffic

The easiest way to get website traffic

You’re about to discover the easiest way to get website traffic… It’s fast, too. And, it’s qualified traffic. The only question is — can you handle it? The fact is, most small businesses and internet entrepreneurs can’t.  That’s why they don’t already use this...

Launch by Jeff Walker [One Big Idea]

Want to know how I made a client more than a million dollars in three weeks? It happened because of the One Big Idea I took away from Jeff Walker’s Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And...
Two Lessons from a Tech Startup [one dumb, one smart]

Two Lessons from a Tech Startup [one dumb, one smart]

His idea is to PAY YOU to listen to podcasts… So of course I clicked on that article from Entrepreneur magazine, when it popped up in my Google News.  (I’ll share the link at the end of this article.) I listen to enough podcasts that I might consider it.  (Spoiler...