This is a HUGE lesson from one of the greatest copywriters of all time… In Breakthrough Advertising, Eugene Schwartz introduced the market awareness spectrum. Fundamentally, every market — and every person in a market — goes through different stages of awareness...
You’ve hooked their attention, you’ve built their interest and desire with your pitch, and now it’s time to close the sale… Every copywriter must know how to write offers. But it’s not just about presenting the features of your product. Far from that, in fact. There’s...
This is probably the most important part of copywriting… It’s the pitch… In most direct response markets, this all takes place before you introduce your product, service, or offer. It’s how you build that bridge from, “I have a problem,” to “This person has the...
These are the essential copywriting skills beginners must learn and pros must master… It all starts with Creating a Hook & Lead. (No, headlines are not first, but they’re coming soon.) In today’s episode, I dive into a whole pile of thinking on how to find and...
The better you know your customer, the better you can connect with them… And the better you connect with them, the better you can solve their problems… Fulfill their needs… And make sales. Today’s Mailbox Monday question is looking to accomplish that goal… —...
If you want to get booked on podcasts, you want to make yourself into what I call a “perfect guest”… What makes a perfect guest? I came up with a list. The perfect guest… — Makes the host’s and the producer’s jobs easy… — Makes the host and...
Today, I have a simple tip to get good at copywriting, fast… It comes out of this subscriber question: — Roy, How can I improve as a copywriter? I’m writing for myself, not clients. – Kevin — Whether you write for your own business or clients, following...
I’ve seen a lot of BAD urgency and scarcity in marketing and copywriting… I’ve also used urgency and scarcity in ways that create big sales windfalls. Today, I share a couple of success stories… Some of my first big successes in adding urgency and scarcity — and...
If you need profitable website traffic for your business or your clients, do you know where to get it? This is mission critical. You can have the best product or service offer in the world… And you can have the best copy in the world… But if you can’t get your ideal...
People can be really stupid when it comes to trying to make money… I don’t know for sure the exact context of this question I got. But everything about it screams, “I want a shortcut to getting rich.” And there’s all sorts of red flags waving and alarm bells going off...
It’s easy to think complex = better when it comes to marketing strategy… But sometimes it’s the simplest strategies, implemented, that are your consistent winners. Today’s episode covers one of those simple strategies — for building your email list. It’s really not...
I’m a recovering “nice guy”… For most of my life, I struggled to speak up. I struggled to assert myself. I struggled to take up space. I struggled to feel like I could really be myself. I was desperate for approval and so I behaved in “nice” ways to avoid being...
You’re about to get a $1 billion marketing lesson PROVING that we’re all education-based information marketers now… And, in fact, it’s a perfect model for what I consider to be the #1 best business model for the 2020s and beyond. I don’t care what you sell… Products…...
Thank you for being my email marketing lab rat… When I started sending emails at 4 PM (my time), it was purely selfish. It was the best time for me, for my daily schedule. I didn’t even really weigh the responsiveness of my emails in my decision. And yet I’ve...
Today’s episode covers a productivity hack I’m using right now… It’s so easy a kindergartener could use it. In fact, it’s often used on kindergarteners to get them to do certain behaviors. But it also works for adults, too. Especially those of us who know exactly what...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...