It’s one of the most powerful emotional drives… Today we’re going to talk about an emotional drive so powerful… — It makes otherwise good employees quit their posh job in search of the new and novel… — It makes seemingly devoted lovers cheat on their “perfect”...
This one goes out to the dreamers, everyone with a giant vision to change the world… Rainmaker, you may remember a little over a month ago when I wrote the post titled “This will be my first billion-dollar impact.” In it, I wrote about the mission I’ve established for...
Sometimes you’re just a little tweak away from a big winner… Rainmaker, today’s Mailbox Monday hits on one of the topics that got me most excited when I was discovering direct response marketing… Testing. Specifically, how you can try a couple different approaches,...
A ###% higher conversion rate… EDITOR’S NOTE: I’ve made a few edits here, after writing, because I only want to share numbers publicly that the copywriter himself shared publicly. However, I still do want to celebrate the win for this copywriter —...
It’s the Holy Grail of business… Rainmaker, what if you could predict — ahead of time — whether or not your new venture would succeed or fail? Since many entrepreneurs try 5, 10, 15, even 20 businesses that fail before hitting on their first big success, it would...
Most marketing consultants would be afraid to follow their own advice… Hey Rainmaker, do you ever read things that just stick with you for a long time? I’ve got quite a few of those buried in my head, and when the time and context comes up, they just come pouring...
It’s the hardest part about making “yet another” follow-up call to a prospect… Rainmaker, I’ve told you before that one of my “secret weapons” in selling my copywriting services… That was also my secret weapon in selling $30,000 IT training solutions… Is simply...
NOTE FROM ROY: I know you signed up for a marketing and business newsletter. Today’s issue is not that. Today’s issue touches briefly on politics, humanity, war, and love. If you don’t want that from me, just stop reading this now. You can pick up where we left...
I’ve stolen more than one thing from Dan Kennedy. I try to be honest about it Rainmaker. I try to give credit where credit is due. But when Brian Kurtz told me I was going to have to write in Dan Kennedy as the headliner for his Titans of Direct Response event last...
Everything you thought you know about self-discipline is wrong… Rainmaker, what if I told you that everything you’ve ever been told about self-discipline and getting yourself to perform was absolutely, totally wrong? Well, it is… I’ve been thinking about this a lot,...
Too many people focus on the wrong things when it comes to marketing and selling… Rainmaker, I’ve written about this before, and no doubt I will write about it again. But today, I write about it in a new light, from a new perspective — and hopefully it will give you...
“The king is dead — long live the king!” “The sales letter is dead — long live the sales letter?” So Rainmaker, I think yesterday’s post about The Death of the Sales Letter stirred up some curiosity… After all, whether you’re a copywriter or a direct response...
“Sales letters are dead.” … Or so they’re telling me, Rainmaker. Wanna know what I think? Read on! It’s Monday, that means I’m diggin’ in the ol’ mailbox, to answer YOUR questions! And it’s funny, because I’ve had this question queued up for a couple weeks. (Get...
I’ve been featured on yet another podcast, and I think you’ll love it… Hey Rainmaker, I met Daryl Urbanski at The Titans of Direct Response, and he runs a podcast called The Best Business Podcast. Well, he recently sat down with me for over an hour and drilled me on…...
Hey Rainmaker, let me let you into my head a bit… As you know, I’ve been working with a coach now for a bit, improving many areas of my business. My selling systems… My offers… How I’m prospecting… The works! But this next one could be my most important. Have you...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...