Do this if you’re serious about achieving success…

Do this if you’re serious about achieving success…

What are you willing to do for success? How hard will you work? How much hustle will you invest in reaching your goals? What if I told you you need to invest less? What if I told you that you need to focus on doing the opposite? Don’t get me wrong.  I work hard.  I...
The ultimate persuasion secret

The ultimate persuasion secret

This is incredibly simple — but profound… I’m going to tell you how to persuade anyone. And if you use this ethically, you have the potential to create substantial success and riches for yourself. In fact, there are many areas beyond business where you could use this....
Why you MUST get picky about clients…

Why you MUST get picky about clients…

Most freelancers have absolutely THE WORST attitude on which clients they’ll take… I guess that’s probably why most freelancers don’t make that much money. Seriously. Every salary survey I’ve ever seen for copywriters is pretty dismal.  At least, in comparison to what...
Two ways to use buying criteria to persuade better

Two ways to use buying criteria to persuade better

What controls our buying decisions? Why do we decide to buy one product over another?  Why do we choose to make a purchase today, when we’ve held off for the last three months?  What moves us to finally say yes once we’ve heard the 14th reason we should get something?...
Great copywriting is pure agony…

Great copywriting is pure agony…

What pain and suffering are you willing to endure to achieve success? If you won’t stick it through — if you can’t cut it — maybe you should bail now. Go get a job digging ditches. Or making widgets in the factory. They may be mind-numbing and physically-grueling. But...

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson [One Big Idea Video]

What’s the most powerful idea I pulled out of the book Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson? That’s the topic of my next One Big Idea video. It seems to be almost a subtle distinction. But it’s also HUGE in terms of impact. Watch the video and see if you agree. You can...
How to deal with failure…

How to deal with failure…

Well, that hurts… Not a lot of copywriters talk about this — neither do entrepreneurs in general, especially not “guru” entrepreneurs. But I’m going to today. Because I think it’s critically important. I think I discuss it way less than I should. And in doing so, I’m...
What makes a great testimonial? [9 elements]

What makes a great testimonial? [9 elements]

He said one idea generated a $50,000 customer for his company… I got this testimonial from a reader and BTMSinsiders member last week. Now this is a particularly good testimonial.  And you probably sense that in your gut.  But can you say why?  Can you tease out the...
Tools to help you grow your business…

Tools to help you grow your business…

My first reaction was, “this is so useful!”  My second was, “I can’t believe I’ve spent 9 years without it…” Maybe it’s only become NECESSARY because I’m now working with junior writers. In fact, that’s what led me to create this tool in the first place. But now that...
Market research: how to find out what buyers want…

Market research: how to find out what buyers want…

What will make your market buy your product or service? It’s an age-old question. And one that too few businesses have a good answer to. If you choose not to ask it early enough, you can wast a whole ton of cash. I remember the local software business that spent well...

Start With Why by Simon Sinek [One Big Idea Video]

I just had a HUGE proud parent moment… See why in today’s Video Friday issue of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets… It’s another One Big Idea video, about the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek. I tell the story of my proud parent moment.  And how it directly relates to...