3 Success Lessons from Completing my 100 Pull-Up Challenge

Here’s your Video Friday issue… I did it!  Today, I did 100 pull-ups… It was NOT easy.  I wanted to give up.  But I persisted, and I achieved my goal. In doing so — and reflecting on this success — I was reminded of 3 big lessons that apply throughout your life, far...
Best start for copywriters, part 2…

Best start for copywriters, part 2…

Yesterday’s essay about email copywriting as a way into your copywriting career must have struck a nerve… Here’s the link if you missed it: Best way to get started as a copywriter… I got a couple replies asking me to go deeper. And I’m sure for every reply, there were...
Best way to get started as a copywriter…

Best way to get started as a copywriter…

Is this a setup? I have, at times, promoted a specific program on doing exactly what this question asks. And by the end of this email, I’ll surely suggest it again. But this isn’t a setup (at least to the best of my knowledge).  This is, rather, a genuine enquiry into...
Be a better copywriter with CONTEXT

Be a better copywriter with CONTEXT

“Sales letters don’t live in a vacuum…” I’ve written and said it many times. Today, someone challenging me to go deeper — and explain my meaning behind the maxim. Remember: it’s not Monday, but I’m doing a week of Mailbox Monday issues. That’s where I answer YOUR...
Getting new clients (and ending the feast-famine cycle)

Getting new clients (and ending the feast-famine cycle)

Let’s talk about how to get more clients, giving you more money, more often… Welcome back!  I hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving, with plenty to be thankful for. It’s Mailbox Monday, the day where I answer YOUR questions about marketing, copywriting, selling,...


Let’s talk about Thanksgiving, and gratitude… First, a little housekeeping.  Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow, so you won’t see any Breakthrough Marketing Secrets essays on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.  I’ll be back on Monday, November 26th, and I think it’ll be...
Writing an Email Autoresponder Series using Story Selling

Writing an Email Autoresponder Series using Story Selling

Stories are the most effective means of persuasion — they’re also AWESOME for email autoresponders… At the very bottom of this email, you’ll find a very generous testimonial I just received for my Story Selling Master Class.  It is NOT today’s Mailbox Monday question,...

4 Quadrants of Personal Growth

What if your barriers in business and your career had nothing to do with your business or career? What if the real breakthrough you’re looking for came from looking at another area of your life entirely? Today, a model, picked up from an author I read voraciously in...
100-year-old trick to make clients value you more…

100-year-old trick to make clients value you more…

Most people would mistake this for a lesson that originated with Jay Abraham… After all, of all the modern masters of marketing, he’s the one who teaches this principle most often. And today, as I understand it, Jay’s methods have helped his clients generate well over...
“I am not an idiot…”

“I am not an idiot…”

Today’s issue will be a little bit different… I have a handful of themes that all fall under the category of, “I am not an idiot.” Not just me having that reaction. Rather, ANYBODY having that reaction.  Including your prospects. This is really powerful stuff.  Nobody...
How (and when) to pick a copywriting niche…

How (and when) to pick a copywriting niche…

“There’s riches in niches…” I’ve heard this said over and over (and over) again. And in general, I agree with it. In fact, it’s part of the reason I’ve doubled-down recently on the financial copywriting bit, and largely ignored almost every other opportunity that’s...

Swipe file copy: how to transition into the offer [video]

Can you smoothly transition into asking for money? It’s the moment of truth… You’ve set up your prospect’s need, want, and desire for your product or service… They know you have something to sell them — and they want it. But how do you make that transition WITHOUT it...
Starting from nothing to become a huge success…

Starting from nothing to become a huge success…

Let’s talk about success.  Specifically, starting from wherever you are — even if it’s at square one — and becoming successful. I was recently on a copywriting forum where a new copywriter was asking for advice. He railed off the long lists of all the advantages he...
How to be productive… (Dean Jackson GOLF analogy)

How to be productive… (Dean Jackson GOLF analogy)

Yesterday, I was on a single phone call for about three hours… It wasn’t chit-chat, or some mindless meeting. In fact, it was intensely productive. On the call, I went through most of the thinking and outlining for a brand new financial promotion. It’s the kind of...