Have you ever noticed how many copywriters like to use “hidden secrets” in headlines, bullets, and in copy in general? Have you ever wondered why that is? Well, I’ll tell you this — one reason is… It works! But why does it work? Curiosity. It might of killed the...
I can’t help it. I think I’ve said this before. And I’m sure I’ll say it again. I originally started Breakthrough Marketing Secrets as a way to talk to BUSINESS OWNERS about the world’s most effective direct response marketing strategies. But what’s that saying? “You...
I’m shaking things up a bit this week. As my readership continues to grow (thank you for telling your friends and colleagues about this awesome email you get every day, and for sharing on social media), I’ve been getting A LOT of questions for my Mailbox Monday...
Let’s get dirty… What? What do you think I’m talking about? 😉 It’s only the dirtiest, ugliest, grimiest, least glorious part of being a really good copywriter. And it’s the same dirty, ugly, grimy task whether you’re a freelancer or write for your own business....
What a powerful, life-changing week! I may just be full of myself, but I think I’ve just delivered you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of value this week alone. (That is, if you use it.) First, on Monday, I broke down positioning, why it’s critical...
One of the reasons very few people ever get very good at selling (in person or as a copywriter) is that they think they’re selling something that they’re not… And this applies to just about anything you’re selling. We’re taught, when we learn to sell, that we need to...
This is the issue I have been waiting for this week. Read every word. That’s a requirement. What I’m about to share with you dramatically increased my success. The application of this one principle is my biggest secret behind charging 10X more now than when I my...
Do this wrong, you fail. I know that’s a rather dire and absolute statement, but I’m growing ever-more convinced of its truth. In a moment here, I’m going to tell you about the one thing that I’ve come to realize is THE most critical element of business. And this is...
I’m charged up and ready to go… More details to come, but I’m sick of being my own worst enemy in business, and so there are some things changing around here. Note: Right now, there’s no danger to Breakthrough Marketing Secrets. You’re still going to keep getting the...
Oh no, here it comes! I have to admit… I was wrong! You see, for a long time I’ve made an assumption about short copy versus long copy. As you probably know by now, I’m the kind of copywriter who writes long copy that’s 12,000 words long and doesn’t mention the...
I just got exceptionally frustrated with some changes I saw made to a piece of copy… And I’m going to vent to you. The good news? There’s a lesson in it. A really powerful one. It’s about what I consider to be the single-most powerful word in advertising. … And, an...
Do you ever watch nature shows? You know the ones I’m talking about. A hushed voiceover explains how the lioness is using the cover of the grass to sneak up on the antelope… When suddenly the lioness jumps, and the chase is on. The suspense is real — and it’s life...
There’s another dark side to undervaluing your work… Very few people in business really understand pricing. Specifically, how much their clients and customers are willing to pay for something they couldn’t come up with on their own. And it doesn’t have to be because...
It’s Monday — and that means it’s time for me to dig in the ol’ mailbox and see what kind of questions I can answer for YOU. Remember, every Monday is Mailbox Monday. That’s when I answer YOUR biggest questions on business, copywriting, selling, marketing, life, and...
You have no clue how much money you’re leaving on the table… I’ve never had a good reason to think Dan Kennedy was wrong about this. But it took me a long time to believe it enough to prove him right. When I attended my first AWAI Bootcamp in 2009, Dan Kennedy was the...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...