A while back, I had a really fun experience… I was listening again to the Ken McCarthy interview that he did with Gary Bencivenga. Gary was talking about a project he’d done for a client, writing for a specific financial newsletter… And I’ll tell you what made this...
Diving deeper into the big idea… I actually hadn’t read these issues since I wrote them in 2014. It’s really interesting to go back and look at them. Because I found things I was talking about here, that I didn’t really teach again until last year, during the Story...
“Even most really great copywriters don’t have more than one or two really big ideas per year, if that many.” I paraphrase, but that’s about what I heard someone I really respect say recently. I don’t want to contradict him, but I don’t want it to seem all that...
I seldom have an original idea — this is probably the most important one I’ve ever had… Most of what I share with you are ideas I get from being relentlessly dedicated to my own ongoing education. When an idea captures my interest, I save it. And it turns into an...
What you’re about to read is one of my most popular, most “viral” posts on Breakthrough Marketing Secrets… In fact, you may have read it before. Even if you have, give it another read. Especially if you’re a copywriter. But why am I republishing? Well, summer’s...
Every single one of the Amazon reviews for my book, The Copywriter’s Guide To Getting Paid are 5-star reviews, except one… See for yourself here. Today, I want to talk about that 4-star review, why it’s actually a really good thing, and how to use similar reviews to...
I’m about to throw down some sales, persuasion, and copywriting sacrilege… From early on as a copywriter, I was taught never to say “I” or “we” too much in my copy. This was a backlash against image advertising. The idea that stuck with me is that you don’t want to...
Let’s talk about how to find a bunch of people who want to give you money! I recently wrote an article titled Who the heck are you marketing to? On Buyer Personas… It was all about the value of market research, and knowing specifically who you’re marketing to. ...
Sometimes, my brain feels really, really broken… I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. That’s most definitely NOT why I’m writing this. In fact, by the end you may wish your brain was broken in the way mine is. Or, if it is, you may actually learn to embrace it…...
There’s a 3X5 note card on my bulletin board, immediately behind my desk, that says I share ideas that grow businesses… That’s what I do as a consultant. When I’m coming up with big ideas for my copy, and offers, and other elements, that’s what I’m doing as a...
Are you ready for this? I’m coming out swinging. To tear down some of the biggest myths of the copywriting and direct response world. Namely: The world’s best copywriters swipe… Retire this year and still make as much money as most doctors… One great sales letter...
What I’m about to tell you could completely change your life… This is — perhaps — the most powerful persuasion secret. The secret to selling more — without selling hard. The secret to being the kind of person that people want to do things for, instead of just get...
I’ve got that feeling: Today’s issue will be a little bit of tough love… This is one of those questions I get a lot. And, it’s a question I don’t really like to answer. Because whenever I do, the answer is unforgiving. Even if it’s in the best interests of the...
I was just having a conversation that made me remember this video… It’s about YOU. And some of the language in it is NSFW. That’s it for today. Make it a great weekend. Yours for bigger breakthroughs, Roy...
I’ve been head-down in a big project all day… Didn’t really want to rip myself away from it to write this. But I have a standing appointment with your inbox at 4 PM Central time, and these issues come without fail. Aside from two phone calls earlier, this big project...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...