The better you know your customer, the better you can connect with them…
And the better you connect with them, the better you can solve their problems… Fulfill their needs… And make sales.
Today’s Mailbox Monday question is looking to accomplish that goal…
How can I find my target audience online? I mean how can I do effective research about their daily struggles and problems to get to know them better and help them?
– H
In today’s episode, I share 4 tips for online market research, for copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs…
The 3rd is one of my favorites…
In fact, it’s one of my secrets behind these Mailbox Monday episodes of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets…
And making sure I know YOU better, as a member of my audience.
Check today’s episode for 4 copywriting market research tips…
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
Links related to this episode:
The Control-Beating Project Pre-Flight Plan
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