Retire and become a copywriter, consultant, or coach?

Retire and become a copywriter, consultant, or coach?

“Retire this year, and still make as much money as most doctors…” It was a STELLAR big idea, for Paul Hollingshead’s pitch for the AWAI Six-Figure Copywriting program. In fact, I’ll bet most of my readers who are copywriters (whether pro or aspiring) owe at least some...
Finding clients through social media…

Finding clients through social media…

Here’s what you need to know if you want to get clients… It doesn’t really matter where they are…  If you don’t have the system in place to get them. What I’ll share with you today should — if you pay attention — reshape the way you go about getting clients. And with...
How to get good at copywriting…

How to get good at copywriting…

Today I’ll share one of my biggest copywriting breakthroughs… This is one of two giant things I discovered right before going out on my own, as a freelance copywriter. It completely changed the way I looked at copywriting — especially long-form direct response. And,...
Head trash, assumptions, and why you’re stuck…

Head trash, assumptions, and why you’re stuck…

I might be wandering into a mine field with this one… I have strong opinions.  I’m pretty certain in my perspectives.  That’s part of what makes me so successful. But sometimes, it also pisses off a reader.  Who legitimately asks a question, often out of frustration. ...
The secret to massive long-term profits in your business…

The secret to massive long-term profits in your business…

“New customers are the lifeblood of any business…” Right? Well, sure.  But that’s only part of the story.  Because if you are ONLY focused on getting new customers, and making that first sale…  You’re leaving a TON of money on the table. And, in fact, you’re making it...
Need leads + clients?  Do this first…

Need leads + clients? Do this first…

I want to help you make 2020 your most successful year yet! And for most marketer-entrepreneurs, that’s going to include getting more clients. Whether you’re a copywriter, agency, consultant, or coach — or involved with whatever other client-serving business… Clients...

“How to Follow Up WITHOUT Being a Pest?”

Today, another Q&A video! I know it’s not Monday, but my Mailbox Monday queue is so full and ripe with value potential that I thought I’d answer one of those questions today. Here’s the question I answer in today’s video… — Roy, I just read your story in “The...

“How to Find Companies that Hire Freelancers?”

I’m doing this week’s Breakthrough Marketing Secrets issues as videos… Today’s Mailbox Monday is all about finding companies that hire freelancers. And in today’s video I have three specific recommendations to help you out. Here’s the question I answer… — Roy, I...
What to do when clients don’t pay… [8 strategies]

What to do when clients don’t pay… [8 strategies]

This is part of why I started requesting 50% of my fee BEFORE starting work… I remember reading about this from both Gary Halbert and Dan Kennedy, very early in my copywriting career. Both had worked with very entrepreneurial clients.  And the more entrepreneurial a...
Be successful, faster [+how to measure progress]

Be successful, faster [+how to measure progress]

When you’re in the room with a billionaire, you pay attention… Now, I’m not sure he was a billionaire, at that moment.  He might of simply been well on his way.  But by the time I was listening to Bill Bonner’s speech, he was running a company that was easily making...
Transition to full-time freelancing…

Transition to full-time freelancing…

I’d put it off for too long… From the moment I started work at my first full-time marketing job, they knew I had one foot out the door. I’d been clear in 2005 that I intended to eventually become a freelancer.  And my boss told me that he wanted to keep me so happy...
How to get the success ball rolling…

How to get the success ball rolling…

You’re trying to do too much… You’re over-extended.  Under-focused.  Spread too thin.  And success just isn’t happening as quick as you’d like it to come. At least, that’s my wild guess about the guy who sent in the question for today’s Mailbox Monday issue. Now this...
What to do if prospects ghost you?  [+webinar link]

What to do if prospects ghost you? [+webinar link]

Has this ever happened to you? You have a hot prospect.  You’re speaking with them.  They’re excited about working with you.  You think they’re ready to get work started — and send you some money. Then…  NOTHING. Silence.  And no matter how many times you try to reach...