Most people are too consumed with what’s going on in their own heads to actually be interesting to others…

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie is STILL one of the best-selling business books of all time, closing in on a century after its original publication.

Why?  Because it’s concerned with the core principles of what really creates human connection.

It’s not about tricks and tactics to manipulate someone.

It’s about becoming likable.  And through that, becoming influential.

In today’s video, I share the One Big Idea at the core of it all.  The One Big Idea that, above all others, will make you an interesting person to others.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

PS: As a bonus for copywriters, that sold millions of copies of the book.  It was written by Victor Schwab.  But the story of how Schwab helped this book becomes a classic goes much deeper — I also share that story in the video.