“My audience? Anybody with a pulse!” Does the above sound familiar? Most people in business think they’re thinking big with this. Which is a big mistake. When you think this way, you actually limit yourself, and keep your results small. It’s against our inner...
What if you had super powers? Have you ever watched one of those super hero movies, and thought, “What if?” I’m sure you have. Or, maybe it was reading the comics. Or some other story. We all wonder what it would be like to have super powers. To fly. To have...
Nearly every copywriter I’ve ever spoken with has wanted to master this one aspect of the business: ROYALTIES! If that’s you… And specifically, if you want to know more about tracking royalties… You’re going to love this issue. This is a “Mailbox Monday” issue —...
I love working with great marketers and copywriters… I was talking to my coach this morning, who works with some really high-level entrepreneurs. And he revealed he’s been benefiting from one of the same principles that’s driven a lot of my quick copywriting success....
Another “Internet Marketing” scammer was revealed for what he was… I’ll get to that in a moment — first, the three parts of this essay: — First, the story of the scammer on his way to years in the slammer… — Then, the value of “curation” and having someone in your...
This week I keep reflecting on what I’ve learned about Category Kings from the book Play Bigger… I didn’t really intend to write about it all week. And in fact, tomorrow I’ve already planned to write about something completely different. But I had just one more...
It’s rare, as marketers, that we’re given a “slow pitch” that is easy to knock out of the park… Maybe you know the kind I’m talking about. Where there’s an urgent problem your market faces, and wants a solution to. But there’s no viable solution on the market. ...
Sometimes I’m dense, and take way too long to listen to recommendations… My brother-in-law is involved in the local startup community. He’s a programmer, user experience designer, and has a good eye for marketing (especially the brand-centric stuff). And, he’s big...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...