Why do regular people do such strange things?

I mean, people behave in some really unexpected ways sometimes…

— Some polls for the US election projected a landslide victory for Biden — but as I write this the race is still undecided (the only thing clear is that the polls were wrong AGAIN)…

— Supposedly timid, introverted people go to a stage hypnosis show, volunteer, get hypnotized on stage, and strut around clucking like a chicken while the whole crowd laughs…

— Or we lean on “liquid courage” as we get sloshed at the bar, and then do a bunch of things we regret the next day…

There’s one commonality among all of these…

Secret desires…

If you’re a marketer or copywriter and you don’t understand this, you are setting yourself up for failure.

You’ll see how it all fits together in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Resources related to this video:

Sleight of Pen: Hypnosis, Persuasion, and Belief Change for Copywriters

Get all the marketing skills you need to write your own ticket

Work With Roy

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