Great marketers and salespeople are great storytellers…

Marketing as we know it maybe goes back a few hundred years.  Persuasive communication, a few thousand years.

But humans have told stories since the beginning of time…

Ug hit mammoth with spear.  Mammoth hurt, not dead. Mammoth angry!

Mammoth chase Ug.

Ug run for tree. Mammoth catching up. Ug climb tree just in time.

Mammoth slam tree. Ug almost fall.

Ug wait long time. Mammoth wait long time.

Mammoth get tired and go home.

Ug finally climb down. Ug go home.  Ug safe, but no mammoth to eat.

Okay, that’s kind of silly.  But you get the point.  Humans have likely been telling stories around campfires since we started using sounds to describe our world.

Stories are deep…

They go deeper than our rational, modern minds.  They get into something primitive.

They connect with our emotions.  Our feelings.  Our identity.

It’s should be no shocker that all the world’s great religions and wisdom traditions are built on story.

Before we could even write, we told stories to give meaning to the world.

Our cultures were literally the stories we told, from generation to generation.

Human nature doesn’t change.

This hasn’t gone away.

We’ve layered cold rationality on top of all of it.

But still, the most rational of us can be reduced to crying babies by a good story.  (I was, last weekend, by Pixar’s Onward.  Which I thought looked ridiculous from the trailer.  Heck, I still think it’s ridiculous!  But it made me cry.)

The right story can also completely move your prospect, your market…

That’s the premise of my Story Selling Master Class.

Learn Story SELLING.  How certain stories go beyond entertainment, to persuasion.

There are over a dozen specific story selling templates that work over and over again.

You just use them to find your stories.  Your personal stories.  Your brand’s stories.  Or your client’s stories.

You fill in your details, and tell them from your perspective.

And you plug that into your selling message.

And it automatically connects on that deeper level.

And can move your prospect to action — to buying your stuff — to giving you money.

And the more you do it, the better you get at it.

Which is why I was so excited to find The Storymatic…

I actually first saw this card game in a Facebook group for people who’ve taken the same Improv 101 class as I took here in Lincoln.

Someone posted a picture.

It had two cards sitting next to the box.

One said, “person with a devastating secret.”  The other said, “deadline.”

And I used those two cards as a prompt to write an email last month, A devastating secret, and a deadline…

They simply inspired me to tell my story.

And because I understand the 3 Pillars of Story Selling and how to work a story into a selling message, I was easily able to turn that into a highly-effective selling email.

At the time, I didn’t share my secret.  This fun storytelling toy.

But I decided to record a video for you.  Where I explain how the game works.

And then I do an “on the fly” demonstration of how you can create a selling story with the cards.  Where I pulled 4 cards out of the box and used them as a prompt to tell a story, with a sales pitch!

Then I teach a little bit more about Story Selling, too.

It’s fun and different than my normal videos.  And hopefully inspirational!

Watch now and then you can check out The Storymatic on Amazon.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr