This video on fitness & entrepreneurship could boost your IQ by more than 7%…

It’s a very different video than what I normally put out…

But I’m serious.

I recently came across research, where they analyzed IQ scores…

Based on before and after different activities.

You’ll have to see what those activities were (#2 surprised me!)…

And where exercise and fitness fell on the list.

But I can tell you…

If you want your brain to work better — in your career and the rest of your life — it pays to exercise!

I’d had subscribers asking me for a while about my own transformation…

And what I’ve done to lose a lot of weight, get stronger, and stay fit.

So armed with this most recent addition of value that I could add on the topic…

I proceeded to break down my principles and strategies I’ve used…

— To drop from 207 lbs to 171 lbs, before consciously choosing to go back up to the mid-180s…

— To get as strong and fit and physically capable as I’ve ever felt in my life…

— And to achieve the fitness I need to be a high performer in my business and career, making my body my tool instead of something that slows me down.

Again, it’s very different, but I’ve tried to make the video as valuable as possible.

>> Watch to learn how fitness and exercise can boost your IQ and business success.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Links related to this video:

15 Hobbies That Boost IQ Article

My “Manly Physique Protocol” Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout

Kettlebell Simply & Sinister by Pavel

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