A friend of mine might be stepping into someone else’s expert business…

The guy who started the business is not really a marketer or copywriter. And he’s not an expert at marketing or copywriting.

He is an author who’s written a couple books and I think he has some other kind of training programs.

They are in a space a million miles away from internet marketing.

My friend mentioned to me that he was being asked about ideas on how to grow the business.

I immediately thought: any great expert business needs a great offer stack…

This is the mix of offers that allows your best customers to keep doing business with you all the way to the top…

That is, until they’ve spent the maximum amount of money in minimum time…

And until they’ve gotten all the value they wanted, as fast as possible.

For today’s episode I share one particular approach to the expert business offer stack.

This one comes from Russell Brunson, founder of ClickFunnels, and author of the book Expert Secrets.

Businesses that do a good job of creating this offer stack often end up with a whole lot of profits.

I explain each offer, how they fit together, and how the same offer stack has led to countless seven-figure and bigger businesses.

Use this offer stack for your expert business…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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