Conversational copywriting isn’t just about style — it’s about results…

People buy more when:

1) They understand you, and…

2) They like you.

Writing conversationally accomplishes both.

But the big question is HOW?

Specifically, that’s the question I got from one of my subscribers…


I’d like your suggestions on how to create conversational copy.

I’m mainly worried about screwing up copy by not killing my inner editor…  and writing like I talk.



I put together a mix of suggestions from Warren Buffett, Hemingway (the app, inspired by the writer), Mark Ford (aka. Michael Masterson), and yours truly…

Some are very tactical.

Others are more about mindset.

Each is designed to help you with your conversational copywriting.

And they’re all in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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