Do you set boundaries on your time?

I find this to be true of nearly every high-paid consultant or service provider I know…

They make more money…

Because they don’t let people have unlimited access to their time.

In fact, they can get pretty grumpy about it!

I do, too.

The thing is, if you value your time…

And you want others to value your time…

You have to be willing to stand up for and stand by that value.

Even when it means telling people no.  Especially when it means telling people no.

(This is actually a healthy skill for ALL of life, but extra relevant in time management, and doubly so when you are an expert service provider.)

In today’s video, I go into the nuances of this…

Specific situations…

And how I used this recently to close two deals quickly and efficiently (where others might get dragged on forever or just never close the deal).

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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