There’s magic in having a waitlist for new clients…

That is, a way for clients to get on your FUTURE schedule.

Not your NOW schedule.

Because if you’re available now, they’re going to think some (not so good) things about you — that I explain in today’s video.

But if you have a waitlist, they’ll automatically think good things about you!

In fact, this can get you booked with more client work, easier, and justify raising your fees quicker.


And…  Here’s my little secret…

You don’t even have to have a single client (yet) to have a waitlist in place.

It’s all in today’s video.

Watch now.

(Thanks to subscriber Victor whose comment on yesterday’s Freelancer Fees video inspired this one.)

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

More resources related to this video:

Launch Your Client Business: Free Mini-Course

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