“Delete this whole intro section of your copy.  It won’t work.”

So many times when clients pay for my $1,250 copy review service, they just want me to beat them up.

Pummel them to smithereens.

Take that red marker to their copy, and tell them what is terrible.

I used to HATE that for my writing.  Honestly, a part of me still does.

But I know now: So much of what we write SUCKS.  (But we don’t have the emotional fortitude and internal honesty to admit it.)

Especially in the beginning of our copy — when we’re trying to get attention.

Especially in today’s environment — when the entire internet is optimized to suck our prospect’s attention into a black hole of dopamine drunkenness.

That’s why you MUST become a master of hooks — the topic of today’s episode.

You have 5 seconds to get my attention… [copywriting HOOKS]

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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