Here are the opening lines of today’s video…

“When we write copy…

“When we put together marketing and advertising pieces…

“It’s very easy for us to let our ego — and our arrogance — and our need for acceptance and approval — to get the best of us…

“And there’s a couple ways that happens…

“One — if you are needing acceptance of your business, especially if you are writing for your own business…

“And the other — if you are needing acceptance of your skills as a writer, if you are writing either for your own business or for a client’s…

“These two things get in the way of being an effective copywriter — of writing copy that your prospects actually want to pay attention to…

“And in both cases, what you are doing is you’re making yourself the star…”

When you write copy, YOU are not the star.

It’s not about you.

It’s not about your business (or your clients’), either.

You have to understand this.

If you want attention.

If you want your prospect to be interested in what you have to say.

If you want to stimulate their desire for your offering.

If you want them to take action as a result of your advertisement, your marketing piece, your sales copy.

You MUST, MUST, MUST take yourself out of the center of the message.

You must make yourself less important.

You must be willing to not step into the spotlight, but to shine it on a very important target.

This is perhaps THE most important lesson in sales and marketing.

Get it right, and you will create breakthrough after breakthrough.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr