What kind of copy should you write for clients — especially if you wanna make the big bucks?

This common question has an easy answer — that I shared in today’s video issue.

Here’s the reader question that prompted it…


My biggest challenge is deciding what kind copy to write, for the health and wellness field.

Do you have any recommendations?



Honestly, getting this one thing right makes it so much easier to make a great living as a copywriter.

I’ve basically written copy part-time since early 2010, and the reason I can do that AND make so much more income than most copywriters (according to salary surveys) is because I figured this one thing out.

Again, it’s all in today’s video.

And if you want to go deeper, this is the exact advice cover in far more detail in my book The Copywriter’s Guide to Getting Paid and in The Freelance Copywriter’s Independence Package.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr