Wanna make a ton of sales?

You have to grab your prospects’ heartstrings.

In other words — tap their emotions.

But you can’t just make them feel.

Instead, you have to find the feelings they’re already having…

(A very specific type of negative feeling.)

Speak to those…

And show them the positive feelings they could enjoy if they buy your offer.

Today’s video answers a subscriber question…

Roy, your YouTube videos are really helping me understand more about copywriting.

Can you give any advice on identifying emotions to use in writing a good sales letter?



Here’s where it gets tricky…

Depending on your offer…

Depending on your big idea…

There are different emotions to use, for different reasons.

(e.g. What emotions do you speak to if your product solves a problem?  What about if it introduces an opportunity?)

But there’s still one underlying emotional arc involved in great copywriting.

And if you can line up your selling message with those emotions…

You’re much more likely to make the sale.

It’s all explained in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

More Resources

High-Velocity Copywriting

Emotional Direct Response Copywriting

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