Meetings suck! They take too long, cover too little, and feel like a waste of time.

If you’re entrepreneurial, I’m guessing you place immense value on your time. Of course you want to make the meetings you need to have as efficient and effective as possible.

But what if you could also make meetings even more productive? What if you could use meetings as a way to make sure every element of your business is moving forward, every week?

That’s what a Level 10 Meeting™, from the book Traction, by Gino Wickman, is all about.

Here’s the point-by-point template I use in my weekly meetings with my coach, Joseph Rodrigues.

And here’s the thing. Joseph coaches and works with some of the sharpest, highest-level entrepreneurs out there. He also built and sold one business, before getting into coaching. And he says the meetings we do every week are the most effective meetings he does now or has ever been a part of.

This video will reveal the secrets!

Get the Traction book (by Gino Wickman) on Amazon.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr