Maybe you don’t want to work in a BIG 3 niche…

That is, the big 3 niches for copywriters…

— Money

— Health

— Self-help

I get it.  Not every one of these niches are a fit for every copywriter.

In fact, there’s a TON of businesses that are NOT in these niches.

And there are a TON of copywriters who have no interest in working in them, either.

(If that’s you, today’s video should be helpful.)

The big 3 niches are a shortcut…

They are, in a way, easier.

Because they’re used to working with copywriters.

That is, “copywriters,” by name.  Who call themselves “copywriter.”  And write direct response copy.

And so if you’re going to go outside of these niches, you may have to get creative.

That’s my first recommendation, in response to today’s subscriber question…


I’m struggling with picking a niche. My area of expertise does not fall into the three key evergreen subjects. I am a Martial Arts/Self Defence/Combat Sports instructor. I am a Police Personal Safety Trainer & Taser Lead Instructor.  Can you provide some advice?


There is a way to find opportunities…

In fact, there are specific criteria you can use to help you identify good markets for copywriters outside of the Big 3.

Plus identify businesses you’d be a likely fit for.

And there are some important considerations around approaching the businesses, offering your services, negotiating deals (including royalties), and more.

Today’s video goes into full detail.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Training mentioned in this video:

The Value-First Funnel Strategy

Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance

The Freelance Copywriter’s Independence Package