Is this one thing the most powerful productivity hack?

I’ll admit, I haven’t been as productive recently as I’ve wanted.

Or, maybe I want to say…

I haven’t gotten as much DONE as I’ve wanted.

Because I’ve been doing plenty of work…

I’ve been plenty busy.

But when I look back at all the things I wanted to have “out the door” in terms of completed and done…

They’re not done.

I was making a ton of progress on a ton of things — but not getting anything done, until…

… Until I made one little change.

And in the last few days, my completed work output has skyrocketed.

I’ve redirected my efforts.

And I’m rocking and rolling.

The secret is in this one thing that maximizes productivity.

Call it a productivity or performance hack.

Or a tip.

Or call me Captain Obvious.

But if you try this, you’ll be calling me to say thanks.

The one thing for greater productivity is revealed within the first 1 minute and 15 seconds of today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

More resources related to this video:

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