I did this in my first breakthrough control…
… For a business opportunity product built around a brand new opportunity that naturally raised some skepticism.
I did it in my promotion for The Titans of Direct Response, even when it was hard to object to the massive value there.
And I’m doing it RIGHT NOW, in a promo I’m finishing up this week.
Plus I’ve used this same technique in countless pieces of sales copy in between.
I have a simple method for addressing objections in sales copy.
Here’s the thing: it’s obvious how to address objections when you’re selling one-to-one…
If you’re meeting with a prospect or talking to them on the phone, objections are clear and obvious.
Sometimes they come in the form of a question. Or they come out as an excuse for not taking action today. Either way, the prospect tells you what their objection is.
So what do you do? You respond. You talk to them. You answer their question. You respond to their excuse with your best reason why they should still take action.
(And here I’ll note that I’m assuming this is a qualified prospect who will legitimately be better off by buying from you versus not buying — something you should find out earlier in your sales conversation. If their objection is a legitimate, “You’re trying to sell me something I don’t want or need,” go find a better prospect.)
But it’s not so obvious how to address these same objections that might come up in sales copy…
Let’s say you’re working on a piece of sales copy. Perhaps you’re structuring it around my High-Velocity Copywriting templates. Maybe you’re using a different outline. Or maybe you’re riffing it based on the Sequence of Beliefs concept I shared in a video a couple weeks ago.
No matter how you structure it, there will be a point where you realize that you’ve pretty much said what you need to say, but there might still be some objections.
What then?
Here’s the easiest way I know how to address objections in sales copy…
Create a Q&A, a FAQ, or somehow find a way to work a “Questions” section into your promo.
I’ll paraphrase what I did in the most recent promo I’m working on, as an example…
You may have some important questions about this…
I’ve been talking to my customers about this topic. I’ve been doing speaking engagements around the country, talking to people like you.
I’ve been presenting on this at conferences. I’ve been interviewed by the media.
As you can imagine, I’ve been getting a lot of questions.
To help you understand — and as a preview of what you’ll find when you respond to my offer today — I want to answer some of these questions here…
NOTE: In my actual promo, there are a lot of specifics in this block of copy. You need specifics for Proof, Credibility, and Believability in your copywriting. Specifics are where rookie copywriters most often fall short — in their writing, and in the response it gets. But that’s another soapbox for another day. So let’s get back to questions and objections…
After this section, I made a whole bunch of questions into subheads, and simply created copy to answer them, while teasing what you’d get by responding to my offer.
It’s actually really easy to write. It can be used to really juice up the promo with perceived value. And yes, it answers many objections and lingering questions very easily and directly.
You can also add this as an FAQ on the end of the promo — as I did with the seminar promotion for The Titans of Direct Response.
I’ve even seen powerful advertorial ads that basically did this as the entire sales message — it works well when it’s understood to be a reporter asking the questions, and the face of the company as the person giving the answers. (See Gary Halbert’s Tova Perfume launch ad, plus Jay Abraham’s most recent consulting offer advertorial.)
How do you find the questions you need to have answered?
There are quite a few ways.
For starters, you can read my list of 10 (+1) nearly universal sales objections, and how to respond.
You can talk to your customers, and get to know what their objections are.
You can make your pitch to people who are in your target market, and ask them what questions they have.
You can talk to your client and see what their customers are asking, and what objections they raise.
And even once you’ve done all of this, here’s my favorite method…
Sit down with a pad and a pen (better than a computer for brainstorming). And start writing. Give yourself plenty of time. Just start writing all the objections and unanswered questions that come to mind.
Once you’ve brainstormed, organize them. There may be some worth answering first. Others may make sense last, as a way to transition out of the questions section. Others may be able to be combined, or removed. Come up with a list of what questions you want to answer, in what order. And then add this list to your sales copy, and start answering.
Use this as a way to inject a bunch of soft calls-to-action into the copy as well. At the conclusion of each answer, you can naturally tie it back to the offer and why they should respond. It’s really a clever trick, if I do say so myself!
Want more plug-and-play copywriting ideas?
I didn’t even realize this as I set out to write this article. But in the course of writing this, I remembered that this is 1 of 7 explicit plug-and-play copywriting sections I taught in the “Copy Elements” lesson of High-Velocity Copywriting.
If you want to write copy quicker — that gets bigger response — that’s what that program is designed to help you do.
While the big idea types, copy structure, and specific templates get a lot of attention, even that one 30-minute video can condense your copywriting time by hours while also helping you write copy that will sell more.
And it’s one of many gems of deep value you’ll only find when you dive into the training.
Explore what’s in High-Velocity Copywriting here…
A serious student will find many breakthroughs.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr