I want to show you how to frame ideas using NLP copywriting…

This is a hugely-important concept.

Imagine a piece of art.

That art could be stuck to the wall with thumb tacks.

Or you could find or build the perfect frame for that art.

That presents it in just the right way.

That gives just the right impression to anyone viewing the art.

Which do you think will help that art be received best?

The frame, of course!

Framing ideas is just as important as framing art…

And that’s the lesson from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as it applies to copywriting.

When you frame any idea, you’re presenting it just the right way.

And when it comes to copywriting to get response, there are some consistently-better ways to frame certain ideas.

I’m recording my new training, Sleight of Pen: Hypnosis, Persuasion, and Belief Change for Copywriters, right now.  (It will automatically be added to the BTMSinsiders training library and All-Access Pass when it goes live.)

And in one bonus training, I’m teaching 15 different frames to help you get bigger response.

There’s one that I use every time that I talk about price.

And it has everything to do with BUYING vs. INVESTING.

I share that in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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