I want to bust a big myth about webinars here…

If you think you need some incredible script or to be Ron Popeil (“It slices! It dices!”), what I share in this video may make you think again.

I share my #1 takeaway from my very first client webinar campaign.  We generated 40,000 leads.  We brought in 1,500 new customers.  We made over $400,000 in sales.  We beat the client’s sales goal by more than 3X.

All while I was under a restriction that would cause many copywriters to just walk away from the project.

And note: You’ll want to check the link in the description with the video, because I give away the one tool that was most valuable in creating that success, plus share a case study and training video on creating webinars that sell — all free.

Before you do another webinar, watch this.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

PS: Here’s the link to the free Webinars That Sell campaign map plus the case study and training on the 3 Pillars of Webinar Success.