Do you know the #1 most important number in YOUR marketing?

When you figure out what this number is…

And how to work it in your favor…

You have the potential to show up bigger…

Get more of your market’s attention…

Get more customers, faster than competitors…

And maximize your profits.

(I know, it sounds a little over the top — but there’s 100% justification for these claims.)

I call this the Magic Number — YOUR Magic Number…

And it’s what we’re covering in tomorrow’s BTMSinsiders Monthly Insiders Call.

But today, I wanted to record this quick teaser video to introduce you to the concept, plus its power.

To find out what this number is…

And how important it is in growing and scaling your business…

You’ll have to watch today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Resources related to this video:

Register for the Magic Number Insiders Call (Requires BTMSinsiders membership)

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