If you’re creative, you probably feel like a perfectionist sometimes…

Especially when it comes to some of your most important projects.

And that can benefit you — at least to a degree.

When you actually care about the quality of your work, it will improve the quality of your work.

Now here comes the big BUT…

But if you try too hard to make your projects perfect, you will never fully achieve what you are capable of.

This is a lesson for copywriters, marketers, and creative entrepreneurs…

And anyone else who is creating anything meant for a market or audience to see and respond to.

The more time you spend trying to get something perfect before it goes out into the world…  The less likely you are to make it perfect anytime soon.

In today’s video, I address this…

Plus re-frame the entire idea of perfectionism…

And give you some specific insights and perspectives that will help you achieve more success and get more of what you want in life.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr