If you want to crank your creativity and the cash register, you need Brain Glue, from James I. Bond…
[No, not that James Bond!]
On the surface, it’s about making your ideas “sticky” — with the aim of persuading and selling more.
But as I went through it, I discovered it’s more than that…
It’s a creativity machine.
As I listened to the audiobook version, my mind couldn’t stop coming up with ideas to make my writing more interesting.
Not only that, these weren’t random ideas.
Because the book gives you specific techniques to employ in creating these “sticky” ideas.
So it’s repeatable. It’s a machine you can turn on any time you want your ideas to be more interesting.
Everything from product naming to headlines to the next sentence you write.
In today’s interview, I go deep with James about the book Brain Glue, many specific examples, to give you a sampling of how to use this in your writing.
How “Brain Glue” Makes Your Ideas Sticky & Your Marketing Sell More, With James I. Bond
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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