This is one of those “one weird tricks” that’s really not that weird…

It’s also not that much of a trick.

It’s a really simple thing to do.

That will help you get clients much easier.

Good clients probably won’t even become your client if you don’t do it.

And you certainly won’t get great clients.

But if you do it?

Not only will you connect with clients better, and have them trust you more…

You’ll also start to gather “intelligence” on your clients and market…

So you know exactly what they want…

Their fears, frustrations, and failures…

Their dreams, desires, and sense of personal destiny…

And how the heck that all relates to you, your business, your offer, your service.

That will help you develop better offers, better marketing, better messages to speak to your clients.

And it will make it all the easier to turn prospects into clients…

Over, and over, and over again.

It all starts with one really simple act, shared in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

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