Who’s ready, willing, and able to give you money?

That’s what Google, Facebook, and the other ad networks all want to know.

They want you to be successful.  Because they want you to spend more and more money with them.

BUT, they can’t do it themselves.  They can’t make you successful.

At least not early on.

As much as AI algorithms for customer targeting have been pitched as a “magic pill,” they can only deal with the data you give them.

And, as always, it’s “garbage in, garbage out.”

Which means you need to start by TELLING THEM the answer to that question.

Or, at least, helping them find the answer.

Who’s ready, willing, and able to give you money — to convert?

If you can SHOW THEM (the algorithms) how to find your buyers, they will help you find more.

For today’s episode, I break down this #1 paid traffic “secret” or principle — finding buyers for your offer…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

PS: This is one of my longest episodes in a long time — about 31 minutes — you might want to grab a pen and paper and take some notes!

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