If you are a good copywriter, there’s an opportunity waiting for you…
Do you even realize how much content and marketing is being put out today?
Last year, there were 197 million emails sent EVERY MINUTE.
Other media channels have similarly staggering statistics.
Marketers have more need than ever for fresh content and fresh copy.
There is SO MUCH opportunity.
And yet I hear copywriters still struggling to find this opportunity.
Today’s episode should help: Copywriters Wanted.
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
PS: If you’re looking for work as a copywriter, make sure you register for my free web class tomorrow, An Action Plan for Getting Copywriting Clients.
— Episode Links —
An Action Plan for Getting Copywriting Clients
BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass: Like Netflix for your copywriting & marketing training…
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