Do you ever feel freelance anxiety?

That is, the feeling of not being able to do what you need to do — for whatever reason — to succeed?

Of feeling not cut out for it.  Not ready.  Not capable.

Like maybe you should just go do something else?

That’s what today’s subscriber question seems to get at…

And it’s a question I’ve dealt with myself, too.

For today’s video, I dig deep.

I share some darkness.

I admit where I’ve failed.

But I also share some positives.  And some hard-won lessons I have learned.

Here’s today’s subscriber question…


I’ve noticed that in theory, I may know what to do to get better clients for a longer term.

And yet, I’m reluctant to do any of those things and struggle greatly with my mental state… and aptitude for networking or working long term on anything for that matter.

I guess my general question is how to deal with yourself and do all those go-getter things when you’re a traditional copywriter in a sense that you’re neurotic, anxious, introvert, and all over the place.

All your good advice about the marketing I need to do, just makes me want to go back to bed.

I barely make a living writing not because I can’t do the work or get clients but because I work just enough to survive and seemingly can’t get myself to do more.

I’d love to change that and do something but the very active masculine, extravert, grit advice just increases anxiety and has an opposite effect.

It’s hard to distill what my question is, it ranges from ‘is freelancing neurosis normal (am I crazy?)’…

To ‘how do you guys manage to have so much energy, grit, and not getting overwhelmed with all the marketing and business options to promote yourself and develop your business, while simultaneously doing the actual jobs’.

And is the answer perhaps that you don’t actually do those jobs or hustle because your income comes from selling courses to the poor D-listers like myself to overwhelm them with all the good advice for earning six figures and more.

If I earn 5 figures, I’m quite happy so… yeah. I’m gonna go check your gifts bombs.


My experience with this — plus my response — are in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr