What voice will resonate most — and generate the most response?

That’s the topic of today’s video.

Here’s a hint…

It’s NOT, “We at Acme Corporation have served our market for 150 years.  Blah, blah, blah…

It’s not the corporate voice.

That voice does NOT speak to the prospect at all.

It’s not about the prospect.

It’s about the person approving the advertising, dictating the voice…

Who is wound so tight and so caught up in looking professional…

So much so they can’t even think outside of themselves…

So they just vomit a bunch of fancy speak that nobody but them actually cares about.


The voice that works is that of a relaxed and casual expert…

Imagine this…

You’re at a conference…

The topic matches that of your ad…

And one of the speakers — one of the top experts on the subject in the world — gave an excellent speech earlier in the day…

Now the day’s sessions are over…

Folks have had dinner…

And are winding the day down in the bar.

That same speaker is relaxed, two glasses of wine in…

And engaged in impassioned conversation.

They’re articulate on the topic.

But loose, relaxed, and conversational.

And they want to help you, the prospect, solve the problem.

What voice do they use?

How do they speak?

What’s the balance of everyday language and jargon?

What do they do to connect with you?

More on what that conversation looks and feels like in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr