It was so simple, but so powerful…

I got this email a week or two ago.

Someone wanting to work with me as a copywriter.

And although I’m not looking for that kind of help right now…

If I were, he would’ve had me on the phone talking to him.

And the best thing?

It’s really, really easy to use a very similar approach.

Whether you’re selling copywriting…

Or pretty much any other service!

In today’s video, I share exactly what made this so powerful…

Why it worked.

What you can learn from it.

And importantly, if you use it, what you should do AFTER.

To connect with the client.

And — if you’re a fit — to close the deal.

Watch until the end and I’m sure you’ll agree.

Not only that this is one of the best cold approach prospecting emails.

But also, why it’s so powerful.

And how easy it is for YOU to adapt and use it yourself.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr