Every market is cluttered and competitive…

Every bit of media is full of ads.

Every prospect can easily find and compare you to your 15 closest competitors.


How do you stand out?

How do you get and keep their attention?

And how do you translate it into them taking action on your advertising?

That’s the topic of today’s question — and my video answer.

Here’s my subscriber question…

Roy, my biggest marketing challenge right now is rising above the advertising clutter to get response for clients.

I have clients in the Hair Restoration, Estate Planning, and Solar Installation industries, advertising on radio.

I’m also doing targeting magazine ads for a soil amendment company, offering a gypsum product.

I know we need to reach the target audience (which we are doing).

I also know creating urgency with the messaging and offering something of value are important.

The issue is standing out against the competition, and understanding the key messaging that will connect with buyers.

I have had some success with hair restoration, inserting patient testimonials and driving home that the doctor has performed over 10,000 restoration procedures.

Any thoughts?



My answer includes 3 specific tips to rise above the marketing and advertising clutter…

This is how you’ll get your prospect to engage.

How to get them involved with your ad and interested (even if they ignore most ads).

And then, how to get them to be most likely to respond — even if they’re not quite ready to buy, yet.

And the good news is — this advice works well beyond the media and industries in the question.

It’s nearly universal.

If you feel like you need to stand out above the advertising clutter, today’s video is for you.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Mentioned in this video:

The Value-First Funnel Strategy