This has been a HUGE productivity breakthrough so far…

I recently discovered a question I can ask myself — and answer every morning in my journal — that serves as a compass for my day.

It makes it far easier to stay focused…

Easier to stay on-purpose…

I’m automatically more productive and get more work done…

I’m full of my greatest energy…

And — I spend all day FEELING HOW I WANT TO FEEL!

This is powerful…

Because so often I start to feel a little off…

I drift…

The day starts to feel bad…

Then it’s days…

Then it can go on, and on, and on.

But this is a very simple tool I can use any morning (and frankly any time) to completely clear that negativity…

And immediately point myself intentionally toward living my best day, and my best life.

Again, it all starts with a simple question I ask myself in the morning, explained in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Resources from this video:

On-Purpose Leadership by Dominic Quartuccio

The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

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