How do actually launch a copywriting BUSINESS?

Like, it’s easy enough to learn the fundamentals of copywriting.

There’s a ton of great copywriting books.

But most focus on the skill of copywriting, not actually getting clients and getting paid.

I got a request from a subscriber recently.

He wanted to know the business of the copywriting business.

He said he’s got enough of the technical skill to get started.

But what do you do when it’s time to actually go out and start making money?

I’ve recorded my answer as a video, which you can watch here.

In it, I break down…

5 steps to launch your copywriting business…

In short, entrepreneurship is ALWAYS a learn-on-the-job endeavor.

But you can speed up the whole getting started process with these five steps.

  1. Who do you want to write for?

First decide what industry you want to write for.

What topics do you want to write about?

What interests you?

What industries have a lot of marketers and products?

Decide the who first.

  1. What kind of copy do you want to write?

Next, you have to look at what types of copy you want to write.

Sales letters?  Video scripts?  Landing pages?

Content?  Emails?

Look at the industry.

Research the marketers.

See what kind of copy they’re using.

And decide what of it looks like something that appeals to you.

(In the video, I also talk about the process of narrowing down the companies in an industry based on copy type.)

  1. What offer will you make?

How are you going to get in the door?

How are you going to get them to give you your first project?

What chunk of copy are you going to write, and for what fee?

Before you start approaching clients, it helps to have a specific offer in mind.

I go into a lot more detail in Milestone 1 of the Client-Getting Blueprint training on how to develop a specific offer.

  1. How can you connect with them?

Figure out how to reach out.  How to connect.  Who to talk to.

And then figure out the best way to get to them.

Before conferences and events got shut down, that was definitely the best way.

Online also works.

Figure out who you need to talk to, and how you can get on their radar.

  1. Now: go do it!


Most people never do this simple step, and they find success difficult.

You want to start a copywriting business?

You have to try to sell your services to clients.

If the first few don’t bite, keep reaching out and having conversations.

There is more detail, of course, to how you can reach out.

How these conversations work.

But the ultimate answer is that you learn the business of copywriting by doing the business of copywriting.

So, Just Do It!

More perspectives and insights are in the video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Mentioned in this video:

The Copywriter’s Guide to Getting Paid

Client-Getting Blueprint

Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson