Lori Haller is one of the world’s best graphic designers when it comes to design that actually increases conversion rate and response…

She’s worked with the very best clients including  Hyatt Hotels, Kay Jewelers, Forbes, The Motley Fool, Oprah Winfrey’s O’s Big Book of Happiness, Procter & Gamble, The Agora Companies, and National Geographic…  And even the legendary Gary Bencivenga!

She’s also a dear friend from my earliest time in this industry…

And someone I’m extremely excited to share with YOU!

We sat down and discussed graphic design in marketing…

But I want you to pay attention during this interview.  Because about 90% of the time, we were NOT talking specifically about design, design techniques, or anything like that.

Because Lori, like most A-list superstars, focuses on PRINCIPLES and STRATEGIES first.

So by learning the principles and strategies she uses to make design decisions, you have an opportunity to install the thinking that works, no matter the design situation.

My interview with Lori is today’s episode…

Superstar graphic designer Lori Haller shares design secrets to boost response…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Episode Links

FREE Gift from Lori: Copywriting Bullets Inspiration!

Follow Lori Haller on LinkedIn

Lori’s Website — Designing Response Agency

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