Do your clients get results delivered on a silver platter?

That’s the big question behind today’s video.

When you sell your offer, how hard does the client have to work AFTER the purchase to get the outcome they want?

What do they still need to do to solve their problem?  How much effort must they put in to take advantage of the opportunity you offer?

Here’s a hint…

It’s probably TOO HARD.

The less they have to work, the more successful you will be…

Imagine this alternate scenario.

— You promise a result.

— The client writes a check.

— They get the result you promised.

The closer you are to this scenario, the bigger those checks will be.  And the more consistently they’ll come.

The further you are from this scenario, the harder it will be to get paid, and the checks will be smaller when they come.

In short, the more you are able to deliver “silver platter results,” the bigger your success will be.

Examples and ideas in today’s video.

Watch now.

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

More Resources:

The Client-Getting Blueprint