This could be one of the dumbest LinkedIn prospecting DMs I’ve ever gotten… Seriously, this guy immediately destroyed my trust. And you’d think he’d have seen it coming. You’d think he wouldn’t have done it. Especially with so clear and easy of a way for me to verify...
I don’t really like Grant Cardone — but there’s a lesson from The 10X Rule that’s stuck with me… In fact, I think of it OFTEN. Including today, when I’m scheduled to be interviewed by an entrepreneur who has also interviewed Grant Cardone… As well as Gary Vaynerchuk,...
I had unexpected inspiration to talk about emotions in copywriting today… I mean, when you’re a direct response copywriter… Any day is a good day to talk about emotion! Because understanding your prospect’s emotion — and how to direct it toward the purchase decision —...
Ugh! Procrastination is the worst… I feel you. And I want you to know: You are not alone. If you’ve ever noticed yourself just procrastinating, avoiding work, not doing the things you know you need to do… And you WANT TO get back to being productive but you just...
“You want to know what I can do for you? Here’s my book…” If you want to be seen as an expert — and get clients as a result — write a book. Seriously. It’s a pretty simple equation… Published Book = Instant Credibility. And at this point, if it LOOKS professionally...
Here’s a FUN little lesson about story telling and story selling… … Using The Hero’s Journey… AND what I call The Hero’s Journey of Story Selling. I found this funny picture circulating around the internets… About Star Wars and Harry Potter… And how they’re THE SAME...
“Delete this whole intro section of your copy. It won’t work.” So many times when clients pay for my $1,250 copy review service, they just want me to beat them up. Pummel them to smithereens. Take that red marker to their copy, and tell them what is terrible. I used...
"The World's Best Copywriter," Gary Bencivenga, taught me one secret that changed my life completely. It's the easiest way to become "untouchable" in your field. Watch this 4:17 video now to learn the secret.
What Is Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?
Breakthrough Marketing Secrets is a DAILY email and blog post from direct response marketing consultant and copywriter Roy Furr.
In his first decade as a direct marketer, he's risen to the top of the industry, and helped his clients generate millions of dollars in real sales results.
He's also worked directly with, mentored under, and discovered the secrets of some of the world's top response-driven marketers.
Now he's pulling back the curtains to reveal the inner workings of the world's most successful direct marketers...