Best Voice for Copywriting

Best Voice for Copywriting

What voice will resonate most — and generate the most response? That’s the topic of today’s video. Here’s a hint… It’s NOT, “We at Acme Corporation have served our market for 150 years.  Blah, blah, blah…” It’s not the corporate voice. That voice does NOT speak to the...
Magic Words that Bring You Riches

Magic Words that Bring You Riches

Have you ever wanted a specific set of words that would just make people do what you want them to do? That’s what today’s video and issue are about. I got a request from a subscriber, Mark, asking about this. Mark said, “I’d like to know key words that can deliver a...
Humans NEED Normal

Humans NEED Normal

Today’s economic data was a shocker… As I discuss in today’s video… The prediction was that we’d lose 8 million jobs.  And unemployment would soar to almost 20% — Great Depression levels. Instead, the economy added 2.5 million jobs and unemployment dropped to 13.3%....
#1 INVESTMENT You Can Make Today

#1 INVESTMENT You Can Make Today

I was just reviewing a bunch of testimonial videos, which I plan to publish in the next few days… They are of people who invested in copy reviews and coaching from me, about their experience… — I helped Patrick turn a rough draft into a $1MM+-in-75-days acquisition...
The business side of a copywriting business

The business side of a copywriting business

How do actually launch a copywriting BUSINESS? Like, it’s easy enough to learn the fundamentals of copywriting. There’s a ton of great copywriting books. But most focus on the skill of copywriting, not actually getting clients and getting paid. I got a request from a...
Thinking Time

Thinking Time

We all benefit when we sit down and think… Even more so when it involves getting thoughts out of our head, turning them into things. You can use a journal.  (I’m a fan of this one.) You can use a brainstorming app.  (I like mind maps but I’ve recently been using...
Selling Ecommerce Products with Direct Response Copy

Selling Ecommerce Products with Direct Response Copy

Can you use direct response copy for ecommerce products? I don’t quite get it. There seems to be this assumption among marketers. If it’s information, you can sell it with long copy. If it’s a physical product, you should use the shortest copy possible. And so you get...