Can you beat “freelance anxiety” and actually succeed?

Can you beat “freelance anxiety” and actually succeed?

Do you ever feel freelance anxiety? That is, the feeling of not being able to do what you need to do — for whatever reason — to succeed? Of feeling not cut out for it.  Not ready.  Not capable. Like maybe you should just go do something else? That’s what today’s...
Close Clients, Quick [3 tips]

Close Clients, Quick [3 tips]

How to get clients to close deals, fast? That’s a HUGE question when it comes to getting clients. Because you need the money NOW, right?  🙂 Well, so does my subscriber, Josh. Here’s his question that prompted today’s video. — Roy, My biggest challenge is getting...
High-Ticket Client Services Require Silver-Platter Results

High-Ticket Client Services Require Silver-Platter Results

Do your clients get results delivered on a silver platter? That’s the big question behind today’s video. When you sell your offer, how hard does the client have to work AFTER the purchase to get the outcome they want? What do they still need to do to solve their...
Side Income: Why you need it [NOT what you think]

Side Income: Why you need it [NOT what you think]

EVERY career marketer or copywriter needs a side income… Specifically, you need what I call a “sandbox” side project, to generate some extra income. But the income isn’t really the point. Not the way I see it, at least. Yeah, you can make some play money. Money to go...
Long Copy is Dead. [It’s Over.]

Long Copy is Dead. [It’s Over.]

Let’s have a funeral, because long copy is dead. I got an email from a subscriber — Shawn. Subject line, “It’s Over.” It’s caused me to rethink the whole question of long copy. My response is in today’s video. Watch now. Yours for bigger breakthroughs, Roy Furr More...
The Emotional Arc of Great Copywriting

The Emotional Arc of Great Copywriting

Wanna make a ton of sales? You have to grab your prospects’ heartstrings. In other words — tap their emotions. But you can’t just make them feel. Instead, you have to find the feelings they’re already having… (A very specific type of negative feeling.) Speak to those…...