How to get a meeting with a great potential lead

How to get a meeting with a great potential lead

First, a little bit of housekeeping… I’m officially kicking off the launch of my Story Selling Master Class today — by NOT offering anything for sale! Instead, this morning, I recorded an incredibly-valuable FREE presentation covering the power of story selling, as...
How to make a big sale believable and compelling…

How to make a big sale believable and compelling…

When I woke up at 4 AM on April 21st, it was like any other early morning… I stumbled sleepily into the master bathroom, and kept the lights off so my eyes wouldn’t have to adjust. A minute later, I hear footsteps in our bedroom. I assume it’s my wife, who is almost...
The 3-Step Story Formula

The 3-Step Story Formula

We’re coming down to the wire… With the big launch of my Story Selling Master Class coming up next week, I’m thinking all stories, all the time. And so, no doubt, you’re going to get a TON of incredibly valuable story telling and story selling information in the next...
Copywriters: Should you go to AWAI’s Bootcamp?

Copywriters: Should you go to AWAI’s Bootcamp?

It’s Monday, which means it’s time to answer YOUR questions! You know the drill.  Every Monday I open up my inbox and answer one of YOUR questions. I’m looking for a great question to answer next week.  Make it about business, marketing, selling, copywriting, STORY...