Today’s video dives deeper into royalties for email copywriters…

After yesterday’s video on Copywriting Royalties for Email Copywriters

One of my smart subscribers reached out…

And told me I missed something.

Uh oh…

Okay, kidding.  I wasn’t worried.  Because the subscriber that reached out was Brian Woodruff, The Numbers Coach.

And among other things, I know Brian as the guy who helped Perry Marshall build the 80/20 Power Curve tool for his 80/20 Sales and Marketing Book.

So I knew Brian’s advice would be spot-on.

Brian pointed out one more big flaw in this guy’s plan to earn royalties as an email copywriter…

That could lead to much smaller potential royalties than he expects.

So today I address Brian’s point…

And importantly, I share my recommendation for what to do to offset it — and make sure you’re getting more royalties and higher pay as a copywriter.

It’s all in today’s video…

>> Watch now for more royalties as a copywriter…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr

Links related to this video:

Yesterday’s video on Copywriting Royalties for Email Copywriters

Roy’s Course on Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance

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